Preparing Kayasthas for challenges 0f 21st century
Organised by
Shri Chitragupta Kayastha Sabha, HyderabadSupported by
National Kayastha Action Committee
Programme Schedule
10AM-11AM: Registration open for delegates & Morning Tea
10.45AM-2PM: Inaugural cum Brain Storming SessionTo begin with Stuti of Bhagwan Chitragupt ji
Lighting of Lamp by Chairman, President, Office bearers of WKC and special invitees
Welcome of Special invitees and Office bearers of various Kayastha Sabhas with garlands and bouquets
Welcome Address by President WKC Mr. Prakash Srivastava
Brainstorming Session: Preparing Kayastha for challenges 0f 21st century with respect to integration, new avenues of employment, advance education, Social Empowerment together with Political Empowerment & Women Empowerment to fight Social evilsचुनौतियों से भरे इकीस्वीं शताब्दी में कायस्थों को अपनी एकता की अखंडता, रोज़गार के नये आयाम, उतरोतर शिक्षा के संसधान, सामाजिक एवं राजनितिक सशक्तिकरण के विस्तार तथा कायस्थ महिलाओं का सशक्तिकरण सामाजिक कुरीतियों के दमन हेतु तैयार करना Concluding address by Chairman Mr. RK Sinha, MP Vote of thanks by Mr. Arvind Srivastava, Sr. V. President2PM-3PM: Community Lunch-Preeti Bhoj
3PM: Cultural Programme by Talented Chitransh
4.45PM: Felicitation of Distinguished Kayasthas:
Kayastha Ratan Award CeremonyOpening remarks: Mr. Prakash C Srivastava
Address: Chief Guest Union Minister of Communications and Information Technology Mr. Ravi Shankar Prasad
Address: Chairman Mr. R.K.Sinha
5.45PM: Kathak Performance by Naliniji Kamalini ji with Guru Jitendra ji Maharaj
6.30PM Announcement for beginning of 3
rd WKC
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